

On this page, you will find more information about our software product B-CON.

Downloads for applications

You can download information for the various ICONAG applications here.

Building management

Project descriptions for various applications in technical facility management for functional buildings

Brochure B-CON - better efficiency in technical facility management

Energy management

Project description for energy management on the "Zero Emission Campus"

Data sheet on B-CON cost center function module

Facility management

Project descriptions of various home applications

sales downloads

software downloads

The following downloads may support you when using our software products (B-CON Creative Studio).

IMPORTANT: The ICONAG KNX OPC-Server supports neither the USB nor serial ports for communication with KNX within Windows 10.

The following downloads may support you when using our software products.

Operating station setup

MSMQ tester

Telnet client (Putty)


ICONAG support

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