

am 04.02.2025 - 08:52 Uhr

BACtwin Converter for a Unified User Addressing System

Say goodbye to the chaos in labeling systems and data point addressing. The ICONAG Converter transfers data into the BACtwin User Addressing System.

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am 06.12.2024 - 08:27 Uhr

How to Create a BACnet Specification?

Guidelines for Building Automation with BACnet

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am 05.11.2024 - 08:09 Uhr

Digitalization with BACtwin – ICONAG Expert Conference Impresses

For the second BACtwin Forum, ICONAG Leittechnik, in collaboration with AMEV (Working Group for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in State and Municipal Administrations), extended the invitation.

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am 01.10.2024 - 11:06 Uhr

Requirements of the GEG for Building Automation

The legislator has recognized that energy savings in non-residential buildings do not occur automatically. Therefore, Section 71a of the German Building Energy Act (GEG) establishes more or less clear requirements for:
a) the technical equipment of buildings, and
b) the personnel responsible for the energy-relevant operational management.

The requirements focus on building automation management, particularly the Energy Management System (EnMS) and the Management and Control System (MCS, commonly referred to as BMS – Building Management System). This includes both system functions and the operating personnel.

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am 19.08.2024 - 09:46 Uhr

Requirements of the Building Energy Act (GEG 2024) for Building Automation in Heating and Cooling

The revised version of the Building Energy Act (GEG), which came into force on February 1, 2024, contains numerous changes compared to the previous edition that must be observed and implemented by all trades involved in construction. The following article highlights, explains, and comments on the innovations that directly affect building automation (BA) and indirectly impact associated trades such as heating and cooling systems. As will be shown, many open questions remain in the GEG — for example, regarding a “minimum level of automation” — which should urgently be clarified and answered by the legislator to ensure legally compliant implementation of the GEG.

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